Semester Plan consists of G – 6 classes upwards. The AITIS Semester Plan section curriculum includes the following subjects: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communication Technology, Social Studies, Arts: Music and Visual Arts, Library Lessons, Thai Language, Health and Physical Education, and Counseling.
AITIS Language Arts activities are designed to develop the pupil’s abilities to communicate effectively in speech and writing and to listen with understanding; to be enthusiastic, responsive, and knowledgeable readers; and to develop as effective writers.
AITIS Mathematics curriculum focuses on seven areas: mathematical thinking and problem-solving; numbers, number systems, and calculations; algebra; geometry; measuring; data handling, statistics, and probability; and functions and equations.
AITIS Science curriculum focuses on four areas of study: experimental and investigative science; life processes and living things; materials and their properties; and physical processes.
ICT studies are designed to teach students to use ICT equipment and software confidently and purposefully to communicate and handle information and to support their problem-solving, recording, and written work. Students are encouraged to become discerning in their use of ICT, and to select information, sources, and media according to their suitability for the work they are doing. The focus areas in each grade level are as follows: i) computer care and safety rules, ii) development of software skills (MS Office); iii) application and integration of these software skills in other subject areas to improve their ideas using ICT tools, enhancing and refining the quality and accuracy of their work, share and exchange information by development of ability to enquire; iv) Networking, the Internet and Internet ethics.
AITIS Social studies curriculum encompasses geography. Geography studies are designed to give pupils opportunities to investigate the physical and human features of their surroundings, and to undertake studies that focus on geographical questions. Students are encouraged to become aware that the world extends beyond their own locality, both within and outside Thailand, and that the places they study exist within this broader geographical context.
Art is non-verbal communication that provides significant and meaningful possibilities for understanding the world. Art education links the study of the arts through a variety of subjects and topics such as history, geography, language, culture, and human interaction.
During Library Lessons, children will be familiar with library layout, books, and systems. Students also learn how to use the catalogue system to locate the books and research work. They also become familiar with different authors and their works, both fiction and nonfiction.
Thai Language is taught separately to Thai and non-Thai students. Thai Language A (for native Thai students) is designed using the official Thai Language curriculum provided by Thailand’s Ministry of Education. Thai Language B (for non-Thai students) curriculum is designed to give introductory information about the host country and provides better understanding and appreciation of Thai people, culture, and basic language skills.
Aside from learning how their bodies move and how to perform a variety of physical activities and sports disciplines (such as basketball, badminton, and soccer/football), students also learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle.
AITIS Counseling program is designed to develop necessary attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to the students’ holistic well-being and effective learning in school and across their lifespan; to help children understand and respect themselves and others, make decisions, set goals, and take necessary actions to achieve goals.
*At the beginning of each school year and school semester, respective class and subject teachers will provide families with more detailed plans, including overall themes and focus areas.